Bodily sexual ambivalence, i.e. hermafrodite
4th of April 2023 I translate the above : In principle mind and body are intertwined, so in theory, but propably not in practice, someone could change also one's physical body from female to male or vice versa. Then growing a penis would connect with an almost conyinuous state of mind&of feelings, in which one ponders would one ought to start doing that kind of chores. According to a view I heard from somewhere, the child becomes a boy, if there is some task to which the child is wanted, and a girl if the living conditions are more favorable and there is room for wisdom of life. I guess that a girl thinks "I would not do such, since I think that my own wisdom of lufe is good, better." and thinks "How can I live in this situation?"
5.4.2023 Naiseksi ja mieheksi vaihtaminen ovat erilaisia asioita ja siksi niille pitäisi olla eri nimitykset. Ne voisivat olla transu ja mieheksi vaihtava. Mies, joka haluaa olla transu, haluaa yleensä kevennystä liian rankkaan työelämään tms, tai sitten hän on naisten ammatissa ja haluaa näyttää oppimiaan naisten taitoja. Mieheksi haluava taas on usein kiinnostunut miesten työelämästä ja armeijasta, ja ne ovat erihenkisiä kukn nuo työn raskautta keventää haluavien jutut, suorastaan vastakkaiseen suuntaan meneviä. Tarttisko noille kahdelle transutyypillekin eri nimitykset? Pukeutumisessa taitava voisi llla transu ja se toinen lomaa, ammatinvaihtoa, vapautta, kivoja harrastuksia ja vapaamielisempää elämää hakeva vaikka lomailuhenkinen mies, tai harrastusvaihtdelle menossa oleva.
6th of April 2023 (Easter Thursday) Changing from woman to man or from man to woman connects with states of mind connected with forming a family : taking care of chores as if a man of the family or group, skilled and responsible, and being with wisdom of lufe thst also cultivates and quarantees good living conditiobs for a child to grow up in. One can learn wisdom of life for example from books and likings.
Blogistani Women's skills taught for men
1.10.2023 " Both cultivating wisdom of life and caring for needed tasks are needed by all, by the society, just the emphazies in what is mostly one's primary task, differ. Action needs wisdom of life from the doer, and wisdom of lufe needs good healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom with life in practice following the wisdom.
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